Fanfics hermione luna e gina black magic little mix
Fanfics hermione luna e gina black magic little mix

fanfics hermione luna e gina black magic little mix

An untitled (but sometimes referred to as The Smeg is Out There) Red Dwarf/The X-Files crossover fic has two touching moments.Brutal Mario has one when Mario kills Mega Man (transformed by Wily) in the stage Wily's Revenge.A somewhat Anvilicious but nonetheless powerful Torchwood/Doctor Who fanfiction, Ashes and Dust, has Jack dreaming of the Doctor abandoning him on Satellite Five, begging him not to leave him behind, an event which is only connected to the story via it's foreshadowing of the Doctor.This doesn't seem so bad until you think about how intensely miserable House has been most of his life.]] A more blatant one is when ] But it doesn't really become a tearjerker until you realize the Doctor, having been trapped on Earth by the Q - yeah - is going to become House. It really rings out with a strange, haunting kind of sadness. Empatheia's House/Doctor Who crossover As The Crow Flies is intensely emotional without resorting to fan fiction's usual melodrama.

fanfics hermione luna e gina black magic little mix

  • An Avengers/Sandman crossover, ''"The Sound of Wings - Aliana Iskassa"''.
  • As always though, the Status Quo Is God and the Reset Button is hit hard by the end of the story.
  • A combined Tear Jerker and Moment of Awesome occurs during chapter 26 of the Terminator/ Sailor Moon/ Ranma ½ crossover fic Tunnel Vision when Ryouga makes a Heroic Sacrifice to take down Skynet.
  • fanfics hermione luna e gina black magic little mix

    Back in the real world she sings the ending of Puff the Magic Dragon (which she mentioned a few times as a song her mother always sang to her) and falls into a coma. The gigantic Star Wars/ Star Trek crossover '' Unity has quite a few, the most powerful is Seven of Nine being trapped in the Borg hive mind when it reboots unexpectedly early as she tries to shut it down.Even worse, the author has stated he took inspiration from Tom Holland's Spider-Man for Jimmy's characterization in this fanfic series, so if you've seen Far from Home, you know how Jimmy will be coping with the loss.In addition, the series will be exploring Jimmy's mourning for the Man of Steel and why he looks up to him.In this fanfic series, Jimmy looks up to Superman and sees him as his idol, in a similar way to how Tom Holland's Spider-Man looks up to Tony Stark in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and to those who have read "The Death of Superman", where the Man of Steel fights the beast dubbed, "Doomsday", it's hard not to feel bad for Jimmy in this situation. This happens before the pilot, with the fic called, A Hero to Look Up To. The fanfic series has just started, and while it's meant to be a comedy/drama, taking inspiration from King of the Hill, we already have a tearjerking moment in Toon City by Bearquarter2008.

    Fanfics hermione luna e gina black magic little mix